The first step in caring for your skin is to meticulously clean it! Perspiration, grease, dust, make-up, dirt + bacteria all collect on your skin + must be completely removed. 

Cleansing helps to purify the skin, opens your pores + allows your skin to absorb any products you apply more effectively.

To begin wet your face with lukewarm water. This will help to open your pores, clearing them of dirt, oil + bacteria + helping to prevent breakouts. Avoid using very hot water.

Apply Clarity Oil Cleanser to an organic or reusable cotton pad + gently cleanse your face, using upward motions. Repeat. Once the pad has come clean your face is clean. You can leave any residue oil on your skin to take advantage of Clarity's valuable nutrients.

Once a week use a mask such as  Saving Face  to refine pores + extract ingrained dirt + excess oils resulting in tighter pores + truly clean skin. 

Once a week also exfoliate with Gentle Cleansing Grains.  Regular exfoliation removes dead, dry or dull skin cells from the outer layers of the skin, improving your complexion by uncovering fresh cells, resulting in firmer, brighter looking skin.

Once you've thoroughly cleansed, spritz with Sanctia or Desert Rain for extra hydration. Then moisturise with an all natural face moisturiser such as Botanique or Earth Song

Make cleansing a priority + give yourself time even if you're travelling or going to bed late. Don't miss this delicious slice of 'me' time. Cleansing can be the moment when you truly nurture yourself + your skin. Think loving thoughts + watch your skin blossom

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